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Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024

Online ISSN: 2406-1379

ISSN: 1821-3480

Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)

Published: 09.12.2024.

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Original scientific paper


The aim of this study is to determine the motivational structure of youths for practicing
sports. The research included 60 participants, of both sexes, all aged between 13 and 16. The
survey method was applied. The research results showed the following facts: that intrinsic
motivation is the main instigator for practicing sports and 58.33% of the participants personally
made the decision to start doing sports. As for the structure of motives, health is in the first place
of importance, followed by love for sports, then success, friendship, popularity and good looks. Money as primary motive is penultimate instigator, while fun is the last main motive for doing
sports. The hierarchy of motives for initial involvement in sports activities does not differ on the
basis of gender. Children are most intensively involved in sports between 6 and 10 years of age. The main conclusion of the research is that coaches should improve the consciousness of
practicing sports for the purposes of fun and friendship.

Borka Malčić