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Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024

Online ISSN: 2406-1379

ISSN: 1821-3480

Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)

Published: 09.12.2024.

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Original scientific paper

Postural and nutritional status of students from urban and suburban environment

Monitoring postural and nutritional status is very useful for sheding light on problems in the process of growth and development of children. The aim of this study was to determine the difference in postural status of younger-aged school children of urban and suburban environment according to their nutrition. Research sample included 497 male and female pupils from Novi Sad (251) and suburban environment (246), aged 11 and 12. Postural status was assessed using the method of somatoscopy and nutrition level with BMI calculator. The relation between the category of nutrition and the incidence of postural disorders was tested using a chi-square test at the significance level of p≤0.05. The results show a statisticaly significant difference in pupils in terms of sagittal spine plane, chest and feet according to their nutritional status. Lordotic bad posture (p=0.008), right lumbar scoliosis (p=0.007), high arch foot (p=0.043) and flat feet (p=0.007) were the most frequent postural disorders in the normal weight pupils. The incidence of kypholordotic posture (p=0.005) and flat-chest (p=0.002) was significantly higher among pupils from suburban environment. The incidence of kypholordotic posture (p=0.012) was significantly higher in over-nourished pupils from the suburban environment. Postural disorders and nutritional abnormalities significantly increase in children of the urban and suburban environment. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate conditions and include them in an organized physical exercise in order to prevent the occurrence of postural disorders and disorders of the nutritional status.

Ksenija Radaković, Branka Protić-Gava, Tijana Šćepanović, Mića Radaković, Maja Batez, Maja Batez, Milan Kojić