Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
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Professional paper
Effect of low-dose radiotherapy in rotator cuff calcific tendinitis: A case report
Rotator cuff calcific tendinitis (RCCT) is an acute or chronic painful condition due to the presence of calcific deposits inside or around the tendons of the rotator cuff. Effective treatment of RCCT is crucial for restoring shoulder function, alleviating pain, and enhancing the patient’s quality of life. The treatment of RCCT is mainly divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment. Conservative treatment has been regarded as the first-line therapy, but the effectiveness of these treatments is still not well-established. When conservative treatment fails, invasive treatment, either minimally invasive or surgical, is usually indicated. Nowadays, low-dose radiotherapy has been used for the treatment of various benign conditions, including calcific tendinitis. We presented a 56-year-old female patient with intense pain and limited mobility of her left shoulder. X-rays and ultrasound of the left shoulder showed a massive oval calcification along the greater part of the m. supraspinatus measuring 41x8mm. The patient was first treated with diclopram, peranton gel, and rest. After that, it was decided to try low-dose radiotherapy. It was performed on the Vitalbeam radiotherapy platform with a conformal technique in doses of Gy 8 and 10 fractions. After the last fraction, the pain gradually disappeared and mobility was regained. The ultrasonography control 2 months after the last session showed the total disappearance of the calcification. The use of low-dose radiotherapy for benign conditions is a topic of ongoing debate in the medical community. In this case, low-dose radiotherapy proved to be an adequate method of choice without accompanying side effects, resulting in complete healing and improvement of quality of life.
Nataša Milenović, Sonja Lukač, Silvija Lučić, Vedrana Karan Rakić, Daniel Slavić, Đurđa Cvjetković Nikoletić, Damir Lukač
Original scientific paper
The present study was designed to evaluate the anthropometric parameters, body composition
and anaerobic power components of elite male and female basketball players and compare
them in relation to gender and specific sport demands. The study group consisted of 43 elite
national level athletes: 22 male basketball players (aged 20.3±2.92) and 21 female players
(aged 19.5±2.96). The significant differences were noted in fat body mass, triceps and lower
body region skinfolds, wigh higher values in females, while higher values of forearm, upper
arm and waist circumference were noted in males. Comparing Wingate test parameters,
higher values of absolute anaerobic power, explosive power, and absolute anaerobic capacity
were recorded in male players, while there was no significant difference in relative anaerobic
power, and relative anaerobic capacity values between genders. Morphometric profile in elite
sport should accompany physiological profile in order to monitor improvements during
training process and sport performance.
Dea Karaba Jakovljević, Damir Damir Lukač
Original scientific paper
The aim of this study was to evaluate body fat content (BF) of elite athletes obtained by two different field methods for body composition measurements and to compare it with body mass index (BMI) values. The research was conducted on 40 male athletes (20 runners and 20 handball players) and 30 non athletes. BF was calculated from the skinfold values (BFsft) and estimated using a hand-held impedance analyzer (BFbia%). Body mass index, waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to stature ratio (WSR) were calculated from adequate anthropometric values. Comparing the BF content between non athletes and two different sport groups, significant difference was found in all parameters between runners and non athletes (p < 0.05). Significant difference was found between BF values of runners and handball players (p < 0.05). Runners have had significantly lower BF, estimated by both methods. They also have had significantly lower WHR and WSR (p < 0.05). In the group of athletes and non athletes with BMI higher than 25 kg/m 2 , or lower than 20 kg/m 2 , comparing with others, no significant difference was found in BFsft and WHR. BMI is not a good predictor of BF, because it does not provide specific information about body fatness, but rather body heaviness. Bioimpedance and anthropometry methods could be used to monitor non obese subjects in clinical routine and population based studies. For BF estimation in athletes, we recommend anthropometry, rather than bioimpedance because of inter individual and inter sports variations in arms length and regional masculinity.
Jelena Popadić Gaćeša, Otto Barak, Dae Karaba Jakovljevic, Aleksandar Klašnja, Vladimir Galiċ, Miodrag Drapšin, Damir Lukač, Nikola Grujić