The present study was designed to evaluate the anthropometric parameters, body composition and anaerobic power components of elite male and female basketball players and compare them in relation to gender and specific sport demands. The study group consisted of 43 elite national level athletes: 22 male basketball players (aged 20.3±2.92) and 21 female players (aged 19.5±2.96). The significant differences were noted in fat body mass, triceps and lower body region skinfolds, wigh higher values in females, while higher values of forearm, upper arm and waist circumference were noted in males. Comparing Wingate test parameters, higher values of absolute anaerobic power, explosive power, and absolute anaerobic capacity were recorded in male players, while there was no significant difference in relative anaerobic power, and relative anaerobic capacity values between genders. Morphometric profile in elite sport should accompany physiological profile in order to monitor improvements during training process and sport performance.
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