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Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024

Online ISSN: 2406-1379

ISSN: 1821-3480

Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)

Published: 09.12.2024.

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Original scientific paper

The metric characteristics of specific speed and agility tests in youth soccer players

The subject of this study are metric characteristics of specific football tests. 27 football players
chronorogical age of 13-15 years, apropos categories of elder pioneers from HNK Cibalia
Vinkovci, Croatia. The participants had to go through specific tests with the ball: 20 m sprint,
zig-zag, slalom, and 9-3-6-3-9 test. We can conclude that all four variables are highly reliable.
The homogeneity of the measuring instrument is good (20 ml) and excellent( zig-zag L, slalom
L, 93639 L), and results of skewness and kurtosis further show good sensibility of the measuring
instrument, with the exception 20 m L2 variable, which is positive asymmetrically distributed
and elongated. The correlation of particles with first main component, which is second condition
for homogeneity of the measuring instrument, points on high homogeneity of all tests. Regular
distribution of all test implies on satisfactory reception of all four tests for assessing the speed
and agility. The factor analysis has given one significant component and the amount of explanied
variance and size of characteristic valuables are high, so we could confirm also factorial validitiy
of tests. The results of the variance analysis (ANOVA) conclude that the tests are pragmatically
valid, and they distinguish players from different playing lines.

Marko Erceg, Alen Miletić, Frane Žuvela, Mirjana Milić


Original scientific paper


The aim of this study was to compare the somatotype of youth Croatian female volleyball
players (mean age 14.05 years) in terms of playing performance. All players evaluated were
classified into a less successful group (N=53) and a group of more successful players (N=61). The somatotype means of the whole sample were 4.41 ñ 2.79 ñ 3.68±1.02 ñ 1.04 ñ 1.29, of less
successful players 4.69 ñ 2.94 ñ 3.40 ± 0.95 ñ 0.96 ñ 1.21, and of more successful players 4.17 ñ
2.69 ñ 3.87 ± 1.03 ñ 1.07 ñ 1.30. Based on a Category Chart, 7 somatotype categories were
obtained. A significantly higher proportion of balanced ectomorph somatotype category was
established in more successful players, and a significantly higher proportion of ectomorphic- endomorph somatotype category was found in less successful players.

Mirjana Milić, Zoran Grgantov, Ratko Katić