Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Increased legs-to-total fat percentage ratio in females with a normal body mass index: A change in lifestyle or the adaptation process of the body
Monitoring the prevalence of obesity is of great importance for assessing lifestyle interventions aimed at preventing or reducing the health and economic burden of obesity. A sedentary Westerntype lifestyle results in an increase in the incidence of normal-weight (e.g., thin fat) obesity. In the present cross-sectional study, the regional body composition status (using a multifrequency, medically approved electrical bioimpedance monitor) of 844 Slovene adults was examined. The primary aim was to compare the leg fat percentage to total body fat percentage (LEGFAT%-toTOTFAT%) and to trunk fat percentage (TRUFAT%) (LEGFAT%-to-TRUFAT%) ratios of participants in the normal and obese body mass index (BMI) and categories according to the BMI and obesity classifications of the World Health Organization. In addition, examined how correlated with, sex, and age, according to obesity classification cut-offs. Results showed, for the whole sample, that increases by an average of 0.13% each year (ceteris paribus). However, females in the normal BMI and TOTFAT% categories, but not males, had significantly higher LEGFAT%-to-TOTFAT% and LEGFAT%-to-TRUFAT% ratios than those in the obese category. Furthermore, adjusted R2 (linear regression) showed that 82.5% of the variation in LEGFAT% was explained by variations in TOTFAT%, sex, and age. The present results indicated the increasing importance of studying the regional body composition status, especially of TRUFAT% and LEGFAT% compared with TOTFAT% (beyond the known sex differences). The clinical relevance of the increasing disproportionality in the regional body composition status of females with normal BMI and TOTFAT% needs to be further clarified.
Boštjan Jakše, Stanislav Pinter, Uroš Godnov
Original scientific paper
The influence of linear speed on the ability to change the direction of movement in elite female football players
The aim of this study was to show the influence of linear speed on the ability to change the direction of movement. Nineteen football players (16.90±2.28 years old) from the Serbian Super League participated in the research. Tests were performed to estimate speed: the linear speed at 5 m, 10 m, 20 m, and flying start at 10 m, and the 505 test for dominant and non-dominant leg, as well as CODS deficit, were applied to assess the ability to change direction. Using regression analysis, it was shown that linear speed has no statistically significant effect on the ability to change direction with elite female football players (P<0.05). In interpreting the results, several factors should be taken into account and the complexity of the linear speed relationship and the ability to change direction should be understood. The findings we gained from this research could influence the modification of training cycles, primarily strength, movement mechanics, and later more specific training episodes of football players.
Dejan Javorac, Aleksandar Vrbaški, Saša Marković, Slavko Molnar
Original scientific paper
Influence of health status and loneliness on satisfaction with life, emotional dimensions, and distress in junior handball players
This transversal study aimed to examine the contribution of predictor variables of the construct of health status (objective and subjective assessment of health) to the variability of the criteria satisfaction with life, emotional dimensions (positive affect, negative affect), and emotional factor of distress (depression, anxiety, and stress) in junior handball players. The pertinent sample consisted of 132 junior handball players in – Serbian First League. The average age of participants was 18.25 ± 0.90 years of age. The following measuring instruments were used: 1) the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale – DASS-21, 2) De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale – DJGLS, 3) the Satisfaction with Life Scale‒ SWLS, and 4) The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – PANAS showed satisfactory internal consistency. The conducted multiple regression analysis explained 51% of the proportion variance of the dependent variable satisfaction with life, positive and/or negative affectivity, and cognitive aspect of distress, where the only statistically significant negative predictors were loneliness and subjective assessment of health status. At the same time, when it comes to the assessment of loneliness in adolescents, these independent variables achieved significant interaction with the subjective assessment of health. This would mean that handball players, who subjectively assess their health as bad, and feel lonelier. On the other hand, the regression model did not confirm the role of the predictor variable objective assessment of health status and loneliness. This regression study has contributed to the existing literature and empirical data on the significance of the rarely explored relations between the constructs of health and well-being in the adolescent sports population. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for future research were also discussed.
Miroljub Ivanović, Uglješa Ivanović
Original scientific paper
Motor competence of children with different levels of physical activity
Adequate development, testing, continuous motor competence monitoring and physical fitness are very important factors in the development of children aged 7 to 10. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the motor competence of the children engaged in organized physical activities in sports clubs and the children who were not included in any kind of organized physical activity. The study included 119 children, 57 children engaged in organized activities in sports clubs (age: 8.44 ± 0.78; height: 133.17 ± 7.21; weight: 31.96 ± 7.73 BMI: 17.9 ± 3.38) and 62 children who had no additional organized physical activity (age: 8.43 ± 0.84; height: 134.85 ± 7.60; Weight: 34.44 ± 9.20 BMI: 18.7 ± 3.68). Motor competence was assessed by the Kiphard-Schilling body coordination test (KTK). After adjusting for age, gender, and BMI effects, we found small to medium significant mean differences (p<0.05, d [95%CI]) between the groups in hopping for height tests (d=0.78 [0.41, 1.16]), jumping sideways (d=0.79 [0.42, 1.17]), moving sideways (d=0.68 [0.32, 1.06]), and walking backward (d=0.44 [0.07, 0.81]). The results have shown that the children who were engaged in organized physical activities in sports clubs have a higher level of motor competence than their peers who were not included in the organized system in sports clubs. The authors strongly suggest that teachers, educators, coaches, and parents should encourage and include children in organized systems of physical activity, i.e., training processes in sports clubs.
Gojko Škundrić, Draženka Mačak, Snežana Damjanović, Boris Popović
Original scientific paper
Lower and upper quarter y-balance test in recreationally active healthy adults: test-retest reliability, gender differences and inter-limb asymmetries
Y-balance test for lower limbs (LQYBT) and upper limbs (UQYBT) are frequently used to assess dynamic single-leg balance. In this study, we aimed to examine the test-retest reliability of both tests, to compare scores on the dominant and nondominant sides and report on the magnitude of asymmetry, as well as assess any gender differences. A sample of 30 healthy, recreationally active individuals (15 men and 15 women; age, 22.83 ± 8.78 years; height, 175.46 ± 8.29 cm; body mass 72.08 kg ± 12.60 kg) completed the LQYBT und UQYBT measurements twice 12 to 14 days. Reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (absolute agreement, two-way random), paired-samples t-test, and typical error (expressed as coefficient of variation, CV). Both tests showed moderate to good relative reliability (ICC = 0.62 – 0.85) and acceptable absolute reliability (CV = 3.54 – 7.20 %), with a possible learning effect for certain reach directions. Men tended to score better than women, but statistically significant differences were confirmed in only 3 of 12 comparisons. Differences between dominant and non-dominant sides were mostly very small and statistically significant in only 2 of 6 comparisons. Mean asymmetry scores were in the range of ~3-6%. These results contribute to the evidence on the utility of LQYBT and UQYBT testing in healthy adults.
Aleksandar Bubić, Žiga Kozinc
Original scientific paper
Differences in some morphological characteristics and repetitive strength in relation to age in handball players
Many different anthropological parameters contribute to achieving top success in handball. Morphological characteristics and repetitive strength have been shown through scientific and practical work to be one of the most important indicators of success. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the differences in some morphological characteristics and repetitive strength in relation to the age of handball players. This research includes subjects of three age categories, handball players born in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The sample of measuring instruments consisted of three independent variables - age category of handball players, three variables for the assessment of morphological characteristics (body height, body mass, body mass index) and three variables for the assessment of repetitive strength (sit ups until failure, push-ups until failure and chin ups until failure). All statistical analyzes were implemented within the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 20). In all tests of morphological characteristics, significant differences were found (body height, body mass, body mass index) were at the level of p<0.005, while repetitive strength test differences were not found in the push-ups until failure test (p>0.005), but in the sit ups until failure and chin ups until failure tests, significance was determined (p<0.005).
Slavka Durlević, Milica Mijajlović, Marija Durlević
Preliminary report/Short communication
Sport as an actor of big politics: Football and its social function
The author finds the reason for writing the paper in the current holding of the World Football Championship in Qatar, as one of the biggest sporting events bigger and more significant than the Olympic Games themselves. Often this great global event is seen as the last place where the small can defeat the big, thereby losing the illusion that the rich and the big always win, and that “David can beat Goliath”. Taking the facts into account, football is still primarily a game of the poor, in which the largest number of footballers came from the margins which, according to the author, reflects its greatest social strength. In his work, the author intends to describe and explain the world in which we live through the prism of not only previous championships. It is through the metaphor of football that the author deals with the issue of global order, with the fact that the main issues of this work are more cultural than economic. As the work is of a theoretical nature, the author's intention is to devote special attention to the consideration of physical culture and sport as a factor of socialization within this theoretical analysis, with a special emphasis on the sociology of football.
Biljana Prodović Milojković
Original scientific paper
Sprint race distance affects reaction time in male and female sprinters at the 2022 World Indoor Athletics Championships
In sprint disciplines, the start reaction (SR) time affects the final result in the sprint. This research aimed to analyze and examine whether there are significant differences in the SR in the semi-final and final groups in the 60 m and 400 m disciplines at the World Indoor Championships in Athletics, held in Belgrade in 2022 in men's and women's competition. The aim was also to determine if there were statistical differences between men and women in the 400 m event. T-test for independent samples showed statistical differences between the SR in the 60 m and 400 m athletics events in men (t=-4.434, p=0.000) and women (t=-3.210, p=0.004). For the 400 m running events, an independent samples t-test was used to examine differences between men and women in SR. No significant differences were obtained between men and women in the 400 m event (t=0.401, p=0.691). SR is part of all running disciplines and affects the time achieved in the race (result). Although it has been known for a long time that training can influence SR, a few studies still examine training's effects on SR. The question can be about how much it is possible to reduce SR with specific training exercises or to apply certain neurophysiological methods.
Milan Matić, Vladimir Mrdaković, Miloš Marković
Original scientific paper
Relationship between reaction time and performance in the 60 m hurdles at the 2022 World Indoor Championships
Previous studies indicate that there is a large influence of the starting reaction time (RT) on sprint performance, but also that some recent changes in athletic rules may affect this correlation. This study aimed to examine the relationship between RT and results in: men’s (M60mH) and women’s (W60mH) disciplines 60 m over hurdles, 60 m hurdles in the heptathlon (H), 60 m hurdles in the pentathlon (P) at the recently held World Indoor Championship 2022 (WIC). The aim was also to determine whether there are differences in RT between M60mH and W60mH, M60mH and H, W60mH, and P, and between H and P. The study included 170 competitors who competed at the WIC. Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (r) was used for correlation analysis, and the t-test for independent samples was used to examine differences between groups. A statistically significant correlation (r=0.23, N=72, p=0.05) was found between the results and RT in W60mH when observing the entire sample of participants (r2 = 5.29). Considering that in H (r=0.42, N=10, p=0.23, r2=0.18) and P (r=0.54, N=12, p=0.07, r2=0.29), a much higher correlation was obtained between results and RT than in competitors in the 60 m hurdles event, we believe that this is a consequence of different athletic rules that refer to a false start. There are no significant differences between RT for M60mH and W60mH, M60mH and H, W60mH, and P, and between H and P. Coaches should pay attention to developing all parts of the sprint race, including the reaction time.
Milan Matić, Vladimir Mrdaković
Original scientific paper
Differences in motor abilities between blind students and students without visual impairment
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of motor abilities development in blind students and students without visual impairments, as well as to examine whether there are differences in motor abilities development between these two groups of participants. The research included 22 blind student (11 girls and 11 boys) and 22 students without visual impairments, aged 11-17 years. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2) was used to assess motor abilities. The analysis of the results revealed that the motor abilities development of blind students was significantly below average, while students without visual impairments showed an average level of motor abilities development. When comparing the achievements of blind students and students without visual impairments, it was observed that blind students had poorer performance on both the overall motor test and the subtests of bilateral coordination, upper limb coordination, and balance. On the other hand, students without visual impairments achieved good results on all tested subtests.
Ivana Zečević, Danijela Ilić-Stošović, Аleksandra Grbović