Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Exploring self-declared prohibited substance use in combat sports: The Serbian perspective
The exploratory study is grounded in field research, utilizing semi-structured interviews with active, former, and recreational athletes in combat sports. The first section outlines key theoretical frameworks that address everyday life, lifestyles, and the issue of doping. The second section presents the main findings from the field research. Interviewees detailed the positive effects of doping on athletic performance while also acknowledging significant side effects, including physical and psychological consequences. Participants highlighted that the availability of information on doping has increased with the advent of the Internet and specialized retail outlets. The testimonies indicate that the culture of doping is driven not only by the pursuit of enhanced sports performance but also by aesthetic considerations and social pressures, underscoring the complexity of doping use in both professional and recreational sports. The study concludes that doping is a pervasive issue in combat sports, necessitating comprehensive social action and collaboration among policymakers, social stakeholders, and researchers across multiple disciplines, with a prominent role for physical education and sports sciences.
Vuk Raonić, Ivana Milovanović, Roberto Roklicer, Marko Manojlović, Tatjana Trivić, Patrik Drid
Original scientific paper
Towards recognition of peer violence in youth sports – the case of Vojvodina
The paper contains the results of the field research that the authors used in order to determine the existence and manifesting forms of peer pressure in youth sports. The sample consists of young people aged 11 to 18, who practice sport (N=536). The research was conducted in the second half of 2019 in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The research results indicate that there are various forms of aggressive and violent behavior among youth, among which psychological violence predominates. The most common place for violence is the dressing room, after training or a competition. In terms of age, high-school-age children report higher level of violence victimization compared to older primary school children. The research results Introduction DOI: 10.31382/eqol.200603 The aggression and violence are global social phenomena, which have been researched in the past three decades. By examining many definitions of aggression it can be concluded that it is any “behavior that is intended to harm another person who is motivated to avoid that harm” (Allen & Anderson, 2017: 2; Bushman & Huesmann, 2010; DeWall, Anderson, & Bushman, 2011); whereas violence is, among other things, described as an “extreme form of aggression that has severe physical harm (e.g.,serious injury or death) as its goal” (Allen & Anderson, 2017: 3; Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Bushman & Huesmann, 2010; Huesmann & Taylor, 2006). testify to the fact that sport shares “the fate” of the society in which it exists and that policy makers in youth sports should take into consideration this social phenomenon as well.
Ivana Milovanović, Radenko Matić, Jovan Vuković, Milica Blagojević, Mladen Mikić, Dragan Marinković
Original scientific paper
Socio-economic characteristics of families and physical activity of children
This study presents the results of empirical research conducted with the aim of analyzing differences in the physical activity of children in relation to the socio-economic characteristics of their families. The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire distributed to pupils aged 11-12 years, who live in the city of Novi Sad (the city and the village of Rumenka, Veternik, Kac, Bukovac, Futog). Bearing in mind that the work is a part of a broader research, the authors' attention was focused on the objective, and the evaluation of the respondents on the socioeconomic status of the family, as well as differences in physical activity among boys and girls, and children who live in urban or rural setting. As dominant in this study stands out the finding of the author that the socioeconomic characteristics of families significantly affect the intensity, form and quality of physical activity of children. Since such a finding puts children living in families with low socioeconomic status into a disadvantaged position, the authors believe that with the findings of this and compatible researches it is needed to familiarize with the wider academic community, in order to include other social institutions in the process of affirmation of physical activity as an important lifestyle quality in children and youth.
Zoran Milošević, Nebojša Maksimović, Ivana Milovanović, Radenko Matić, Damjan Jakšić, Jovan Vuković