Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Improving motor fitness in primary school children through a school based intervention
The aim of this study is to establish the effects of specially programmed circuit training on physical fitness in primary school children. A total of 58 (28 girls) primary school children aged 11-13 (experimental group 12.2±1.2, control group 12.4±1.1) years voluntarily participated in this study. Physical fitness of children is assessed based on motor skills, through the following tests: abdominal muscle endurance - Sit-ups test, upper body strength and muscular endurance - Bent-arm hang test, upper-body muscular endurance - Pushups test, muscular strength and power of the lower limbs - Standing broad jump test, agility and speed - 4x10m test and flexibility - Sit and reach test. During the regular classes of physical education, the experimental group conducted a circular training lasting 15-20 minutes, at the same time control group practiced exercises that were in accordance with the plan and program of teaching physical education for a particular teaching unit. The treatment lasted for 15 weeks, with two classes of physical education per week. The results for the standing broad jump indicated significant differences between groups following 15 weeks. Furthermore, the group that participated in the circuit training program made significantly greater gains compared to the control group (p<0.05) in bent-arm hang, sit-ups and sit and reach. The results for the 4x10m test indicated no significant differences in time, group and their interaction (p≥0.05). To conclude, circuit training appears to be an effective way of improving physical fitness in primary school children. The results of this study indicate that this method was more effective for performance than traditional school program.
Milica Blagojević, Borislav Obradović, Zoran Radović, Ivan Đukić, Goran Dimitrić, Milorad Jakšić
Original scientific paper
Motor performance of young soccer players depending on biological age
The main purpose of our article was to broaden the knowledge of the level of the motor performance of young soccer players in puberty, taking into account their biological age. The object of our research was 18 soccer players in the U 15 category of the soccer club ŠK Slovan Bratislava divided into a subset with accelerated development (n=10) with body height 177,4 ± 5,1 cm, body weight 65,8 ± 7,5 kg and a subset with retarded development (n=8) with body height 170,9 ± 7,3 cm, body weight 63,9 ± 7,7 kg. To assess the motor performance, a set of 3 tests to evaluate speed and speed-coordination (agility) capabilities was applied. The set of tests contained a 10 m run (n=10 - average value of 1.61 s, n=8 - average value of 1.62 s), a 30 m run (n=10 - average value of 4.13 s, n=8 - average value of 4.16 s) and a 5 x 10 m run with a change of direction (n=10 - average value of 11.55 s, n=8 - average value of 11.70 s). Using the Mann-Whitney U test, we did not confirm in our case a statistically significant different level in the motor performance of the monitored sets with regard to the degree of their biological maturity.
Miroslav Holienka, Matej Babic, Ladislava Doležajová, Peter Šelinger, Eva Musilová
Original scientific paper
Gender-related differences in motor abilities of children in the fencing school
Fencing is very dynamic and combative sport, with the following requirements of competitors: instant resourcefulness, precision, courage and fast reaction in different situations. It is just for this reason that the training of young fencers involves improvement of all motor abilities focusing on agility, speed, and explosive strength. The aim of this research is to determine gender-related differences of motor abilities in children engaged in fencing. The sample consists of 50 children (26 boys and 24 girls) whose average age is 10.46 years and, who train fencing in the “Omladinac” in Zrenjanin and “Vojvodina” in Novi Sad. Motor abilities are tested by means of four motor tests. Differences are determined using multivariate analysis of variance and univariate analysis of variance. The findings indicate that there is statistically significant difference related to Deep forward bend on the bench and T-test, which is in favor of girls, Long jump test from the standing start in favor of boys, whereas Tapping test does not show any significant difference between boys and girls. Numerous research works show that early maturing girls have better results of motor performance than those with a slower process of maturation (11-13 years), whereas individual differences in terms of motor performance depend on growth and development, especially in boys. Matching of results is related to the observed statistically significant differences in explosive strength in favor of boys and suppleness in favor of girls.
Miroslav Smajić, Nebojša Čokorilo, Vladimir Petrović, Valdemar Štajer, Raško Mićić, Maja Ilić
Review scientific paper
Contemporary sports product and making a brand
The objective of this study represents the sports branding, while the main goal will be directional to explaining the contemporary sports product and making a brand. The main tasks of this study are, the first discussing the sports branding nowadays and newly created sports products as well as drawing attention to the specific nature of the branding of sports products as a separate field of branding in general. During making of this study, the authors used descriptive method with consulting of competent literature. The previous authors’ experience in this field was also so useful. Moreover, the author used the analytic method and parallel method that is the most productive if you make some inferences about some appearance. From the reason sport branding did not develop separately, it is the fact that it represents an integral part of the overall branding procedure; however, sport branding has some specialty in relation to other areas, mostly due to the reason, sport industry has much more unpredictable nature than most of other industries. This study made general retrospection of common characteristics and differences among sports branding and branding in general that might be relevant for many researchers in this area. Sports branding is developing rapidly around the world, the dominant example of this development is most evident in the “sports industry” in the United States. However, the sport branding is not at the expectable level in Montenegro, and working on recognizing Montenegrin contemporary sports product and making a brand must be more prominent nowadays.
Stevo Popović
Original scientific paper
Gender-related morphological characteristics in preschool children of Kolubara district
The aim of this study was to establish the genderrelated differences among children 6-6.5 years of age in anthropometric characteristics so as to observe their development and make more appropriate selection for participation in guided and organised physical activities. A battery of 7 anthropometric measurements was used on the representative sample of 175 subjects of both genders from Valjevo (M=45 aged 6 and M=83 aged 6.5; F = 44 aged 6 and F=43 aged 6.5). The multivariate analysis of variance showed the existence of statistically significant differences (p=0.00) in the anthropometric space of the two ages analysed regarding the gender. Through the individual analysis, the differences at age 6 were found in the Upper arm skin fold variable (p=0.03) and the Back-skin fold (p=0.00), whereas with the 6.5-year-old subjects, the differences were found in the Body height variable (p=0.03), Upper arm skin fold (p=0.00) and Back skin fold (p=0.02), both in favour of the boys. It can be assumed that the differences are the result of the endogenous and exogenous factors upon the children's organism in the period of childhood in a smaller urban community of the southwest Serbia.
Aleksandar Miletić, Branka Protić-Gava
Original scientific paper
Personality traits and gender effect on athletes and non-athletes selfhandicapping strategies over time
The aim of this research was to examine differences in the use of self-handicapping strategies in athletes and non-athletes, changes in self-handicapping strategies that can occur with the approach of an important event, and the relationships between these strategies and personality traits, gender, and some external criteria such as performance. The sample included 183 subjects (mean age 21.16 years) consisting of 102 non-athletes and 81 athletes. Three questionnaires were used: VP+2, for measuring personality dimensions of seven-factor model, SH-17, for the assessment of changes in the use of self-handicapping strategies through time and a general biographical questionnaire. A general linear model for repeated measures was used for data analysis. Significant correlation was found between self-handicapping strategies and the number of medals and awards won at international and domestic competitions. The results also showed a positive correlation between self-handicapping strategies and dimensions of Neuroticism and Extraversion and negative with Conscientiousness. Also, a statistically significant difference in the use of self-handicapping strategies was found between athletes and non-athletes, showing that non-athletes express more self-handicapping behaviour. The results indicate that the frequency of selfhandicapping behaviour does not change through time. The effect of gender on self-handicapping is not significant, but there was a statistically significant interaction effect of gender and population on self-handicapping behaviour. It indicates that male non-athletes are more prone to self-handicapping 10 days before an important competition (exam or public speaking for general population, or “game of the season” for sporting population) compared to male athletes. These results, apart from the gender differences, are consistent with the results of previous studies. Limitations of this research and possible directions for future studies were also considered.
Nikola Prpa
Original scientific paper
Effects of high-intensity interval training on aerobic fitness in elite Serbian soccer players
The aim of this paper was to determine whether the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) training can improve aerobic fitness in regional-level soccer players. Billat method (30-30s and 15-15s; 6-12 min) was used twice a week for 8 weeks during a season. Twenty-Three National-level soccer team players, (years=25±8, height=183.28±5.93, weight=75.28±5.9), were recruited for this study. Pre- and post-experimental period, maximum oxygen uptake was measured thru pseudo-ramp test on treadmill until volitional fatigue. Obtained results showed improvement in aerobic fitness for post- vs premeasurement (initial measurement = 51.92±3.40, final measurement = 54.87±2.61, p<.001). It is likely that specific high intensity interval training is viable method for aerobic fitness improvements in national-level soccer players when conducted during season.
Bogdan Belegišanin
Original scientific paper
Physiological responses during arm and leg aerobic power tests in elite female judokas
The aim of this study was to compare physiological responses during arm and leg aerobic power tests. Ten elite female judokas of the Serbian National Team participated in the study. In addition to the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold (AT) were determined using an arm crank ergometer and a treadmill. Body fat percentage was estimated by bio-impedance. The VO2max was only 3 ml∙kg–1∙min–1 higher on the treadmill than in the arm crank (p<0.03), the AT was also higher on the treadmill test (8.6 l∙min1, p=0.005). Nevertheless, the SJFT results were significantly correlated only with the maximal heart rate during the treadmill test (r=0.77, p<0.01 for index; r=-0.73, p<0.02 for total throws). Body fat percentage was correlated with VO2max (r=-0.67, p<0.05) and AT in the arm crank test (r=-0.88, p=0.001). The maximal oxygen uptake was not statistically correlated with the SJFT results in elite female judokas. However, judokas who had higher maximal heart rate during the treadmill test, showed a worse judo-specific capacity on the SJFT. Female judokas with higher body fat seem to have lower VO2max and AT, with statistically significant correlations in the arm crank, and close to significance on the treadmill. On the other hand, arm crank and treadmill tests presented different results concerning aerobic capacity. However, our female judokas interestingly presented similar VO2max results during both aerobic tests, which highlights some judo-specific demands on the upper-body aerobic fitness.
Tatjana Trivić, Cristina Casals, Patrik Drid
Original scientific paper
Socio-economic characteristics of families and physical activity of children
This study presents the results of empirical research conducted with the aim of analyzing differences in the physical activity of children in relation to the socio-economic characteristics of their families. The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire distributed to pupils aged 11-12 years, who live in the city of Novi Sad (the city and the village of Rumenka, Veternik, Kac, Bukovac, Futog). Bearing in mind that the work is a part of a broader research, the authors' attention was focused on the objective, and the evaluation of the respondents on the socioeconomic status of the family, as well as differences in physical activity among boys and girls, and children who live in urban or rural setting. As dominant in this study stands out the finding of the author that the socioeconomic characteristics of families significantly affect the intensity, form and quality of physical activity of children. Since such a finding puts children living in families with low socioeconomic status into a disadvantaged position, the authors believe that with the findings of this and compatible researches it is needed to familiarize with the wider academic community, in order to include other social institutions in the process of affirmation of physical activity as an important lifestyle quality in children and youth.
Zoran Milošević, Nebojša Maksimović, Ivana Milovanović, Radenko Matić, Damjan Jakšić, Jovan Vuković
Original scientific paper
Sources of stress as predictors of partner relationship quality
The purpose of this survey is to establish whether, and in which manner, different sources of stress predict the partner relationship quality, as well as to establish differences concerning the gender, age and job of respondents. Sources of stress are defined as individual, interpersonal and organizational, whereas the quality of partner relationship was tested as a degree of satisfaction with the romantic relationship. The survey was conducted on an adequate sample of 100 respondents involved in a partner relationship, similar in terms of gender and aged 18 to 44. Questionnaires were used to measure the sources of stress and partner relationship quality (Hendrick, 1988). The results indicated that all three sources of stress were significantly connected with the partner relationship quality, also that family-related sources of stress were the only significant predictor (β= 0.286, p<0.01). The greater the family-related sources of stress, the poorer the partnership relation quality. Differences were obtained in assessing the individual factors of stress according to gender and age categories.
Željka Bojanić, Nataša Ninić