Current issue

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2024
Online ISSN: 2406-1379
ISSN: 1821-3480
Volume 16 , Issue 3, (2024)
Published: 09.12.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Differences in motor abilities of boys and girls aged 7 in relation to the level of intellectual ability
Since previous studies suggest a relationship between motor and cognitive development in children, a research was conducted in order to examine the differences in motor skills of children with different levels of intellectual ability. In a sample of 88 respondents, boys and girls aged 7, an assessment of motor skills was performed by using the battery of seven motor tests and assessment of intellectual abilities by using the test of Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices. Respondents were divided into three groups according to the results of the test. After analyzing the results of the research it was shown that there were no statistically significant differences in the area of motor abilities of children of different intellectual levels, but there were differences at the univariate level regarding the tests Hand Tapping and Seat-and-Reach.
Filip Sadri, Milica Bogdanovski, Ivo Sadri
Original scientific paper
Skill-based conditioning training in young female volleyball players: impact on power and change of direction speed
Skill-based training has been developed in order to combine the skill and conditioning elements
in a coordinated approach. Our aim was to determine the effects of skill based conditioning
training on power and COD speed in youth female volleyball players. Sixteen young female
volleyball athletes (15±2 years) consented to participate in lower-body power and COD speed
testing.Players were involved in six weeks skill-based conditioning training during in-season.
There were no significant differences between pretraining and posttraining for Block jump and
Spike jump. Moreover, there were no significant (p > 0.05) improvements in Standing broad
jump also.However, compared with pretraining, there was a significant improvement in COD
speed tests. Training induced significant (p ≤ 0.05) improvements in 9-3-6-3-9 test (p<0,001) and
Side steps 10x4.5 m (p<0,001).In conclusion, skill-based conditioning training appears to have
stronger effects in improving COD speed compared to lover body power young female
volleyball players. Volleyball coaches could use this information in the process of planning the
in-season training.
Tomislav Krističević, Goran Sporiš, Nebojša Trajković, Nataša Penčić, Miloš Ignjatović
Original scientific paper
The metric characteristics of specific speed and agility tests in youth soccer players
The subject of this study are metric characteristics of specific football tests. 27 football players
chronorogical age of 13-15 years, apropos categories of elder pioneers from HNK Cibalia
Vinkovci, Croatia. The participants had to go through specific tests with the ball: 20 m sprint,
zig-zag, slalom, and 9-3-6-3-9 test. We can conclude that all four variables are highly reliable.
The homogeneity of the measuring instrument is good (20 ml) and excellent( zig-zag L, slalom
L, 93639 L), and results of skewness and kurtosis further show good sensibility of the measuring
instrument, with the exception 20 m L2 variable, which is positive asymmetrically distributed
and elongated. The correlation of particles with first main component, which is second condition
for homogeneity of the measuring instrument, points on high homogeneity of all tests. Regular
distribution of all test implies on satisfactory reception of all four tests for assessing the speed
and agility. The factor analysis has given one significant component and the amount of explanied
variance and size of characteristic valuables are high, so we could confirm also factorial validitiy
of tests. The results of the variance analysis (ANOVA) conclude that the tests are pragmatically
valid, and they distinguish players from different playing lines.
Marko Erceg, Alen Miletić, Frane Žuvela, Mirjana Milić
Original scientific paper
The influence of dancing and game contents on preschoolers’ motor engagement
The goal of this study was to examine the influence of dancing and game contents on
preschoolers’ motor engagement in each phase, as well as total engagement in directed motor
activities. The study was realized in the first term of 2014/2015 school year. 12 activities with
dancing contents and 12 activities with moving games were monitored. The duration of directed
motor activity phases was as follows: the first A phase (introductory) – five minutes, the first B
phase (preparatory) – five minutes, the second phase (main) – fifteen minutes and the third phase
(final) – five minutes. The time of the activity (engagement) was measured by random choice of
one of the children, who was monitored during the directed activity. The observed child did not
know that he/she was an object of measurement. Data processing included descriptive statistics
and t-test for small independent samples. The parameters of descriptive statistics indicate longer
engagement of children in the first A phase, the third phase and total engagement with dancing
contents. Game contents influenced higher engagement in the first B phase and the second phase.
Game contents influenced statistically significant difference in relation to dancing contents in the
third phase. The total engagement with the dancing contents was 725 seconds, with game
contents 707 seconds. The t-test does not indicate statistically significant difference between
dancing and game contents in terms of preschoolers’ total engagement. The results indicate that
the activities with dancing and game contents are very useful in working with preschoolers.
Keywords: dance, game, engagement, directed motor activity, preschoolers
Živorad Marković, Dragoljub Višnjić
Original scientific paper
Expert model of the most important methodical exercises for fast skiing turns teaching
The purpose of this research was to establish the expert model of learning and evaluation the most important methodical exercises for teaching short skiing turns in advanced skiing school. Participants were 20 skiing experts from different states. After the experts model was established, experts selected 5 most important methodical exercises for teaching short skiing turns. According to with the goal of the research, total frequency sum of expert choice of the most important methodical exercises has been used (O-observed; E-expected), while the difference between frequencies of expert evaluation has been tested by non-parametric Chi-square test (χ²) and statistic meaning of differences (p). By natural selection, the ranking was made, and selection of the most important methodical exercises for teaching short skiing turns. After data processing, statistical differences were significant in frequencies in which experts choose most important methodical exercises (c2=17.30; p=0.14) while the differences between the values of most important methodical exercises were not established (c2=2.15; p=0.91). Statistical differences based on nationality were not established. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the experts in spite of the structural differences and specificity within each ski schools are equally recognized and valued those most important methodical exercises who contain the basic characteristics of effective lessons. This research is a foundation for future modeling which has made a selection of significant errors and exercises for their elimination, and their hierarchical classification.
Danijela Kuna, Sanjin Džajić, Marko Mastelić
Review scientific paper
Pregnancy is a physiological condition during which a series of morphological and anatomical
changes occur. Adaptation to new changes in the body depends on the psychological and
physical condition of the patient. One of the many factors that affect the quality of life is physical
exercise. Proper exercise prevents certain chronic diseases, reduces pregnancy discomfort, gives
a feeling of satisfaction and influences a positive outcome of the pregnancy. The aim of this
study was to examine the validity of the preliminary version of the questionnaire, and therefore
examine the impact of exercise on the quality of life during pregnancy. The questionnaire
involved pregnant women (N=33). All of whom were in their third trimester of pregnancy. The
participants voluntarily filled out an anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire included
information about: social and marital status, education, frequency of maternity problems, the
type of exercise, as well as the level of training load during pregnancy. High reliability and
validity of the survey (0,873) was determined by Cronbach alpha coefficient. Pregnant women
(48%) commonly practiced low intensity yoga, up to three times a week. Most of the women
(45%) believe that the exercise has a positive impact on their health. A difference of statistical
significance was observed between the type of exercise and heart burn (r=0.349; p=0.046), as
well as between the type of exercise and body weight (r=0.357; p=0.041). The results of this
pilot study show a lower incidence of common maternity symptoms in pregnant women who
exercised during pregnancy.
Ksenija Bubnjević, Jelena Kovačević
Original scientific paper
Creation of English-based tennis terms in Serbian
The aim of this study is to carry out terminological standardization of tennis terms in Serbian as a contribution to publishing the 2nd expanded edition of the existing EnglishSerbian dictionary of sports terms entitled Englesko-srpski rečnik sportskih termina. Research is a corpus-based contrastive analysis of tennis terms in English and Serbian, which were taken over from Tenniswikipedia glossary containing 254 entries, commentaries in Serbian during live broadcast of Masters and 2014-2015 GrandSlam matches, and online Serbian journalistic texts on tennis. The contrastive approach is justified by the fact that tennis terms in Serbian are created by adaptation of English terms through transshaping and translation. Given that tennis is a recently popularized sport in Serbia and that no serious attempt has been made so far to compile a glossary of standard tennis terms in Serbian, the findings indicate abundance of non-adapted lexical borrowings from English, due to which terminological standardization deserves particular attention.
Mira Milić, Željko Jonić, Ivana Đurić Mojsilović
Original scientific paper
Relationship between body satisfaction and psychophysical health
Body satisfaction has become immensely popular topic over the last couple of decades, and yet, there are still so many undiscovered aspects of the phenomenon which actively influence people’s everyday lives. In this study, we’ve been investigating the connection between body satisfaction and self-rated symptoms of psychophysical health. Sample comprised 393 women, aged 19 to 76, with different socio-economic status. In order to determine the differences in psychophysical health between women who are satisfied with their body and those who are not, discriminant analysis was applied. Obtained discriminant factor was significant (Wilks’ lambda=0.79; p level<0.01) which indicate that there is a significant difference in the level of psychophysical health between women who are satisfied with their body and those who are not. Results of this study show that women who are dissatisfied with their body appearance are more likely to experience some symptoms of poor psychophysical health (nervousness and irritability, fatigue, anxiety, digestive problems, poor productivity, lack of energy and depressive thoughts) compared to the women who are satisfied with their body appearance.
Nevena Miučin, Jelena Šakotić-Kurbalija
Original scientific paper
Evaluation of the nutritional status of younger school children
The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of younger school children. It included 325 respondents, 196 of which were boys and 129 girls aged 7-11, from the elementary schools in Novi Pazar. Body height and weight were measured in February 2014, based on which the body mass index was calculated. Harrison‘s categorization was used for the evaluation of the degree of nutritional status of the respondents. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. The research results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the nutritional status between boys and girls of younger school age (p ≤ .05), i.e. 18.61% of girls and only 12.75% of boys were overweight. The category of lean respondents included 35.72% boys and 24.03% girls. Considering the variables of body weight and body mass index, there were statistically significant difference between the boys and girls (p = .00). The girls had higher numerical values of body mass (30.10kg) than boys (28.07kg), and at the variable of body fat index, it was also observed that girls (21.63kg/m2) recorded higher values than boys (19.97kg/m2). The conclusion is that girls of younger school age have a higher degree of nutrition, higher body weight and body mass index than boys.
Nikola Radulović, Ilona Mihajlović, Milena Mikalački, Nebojša Čokorilo, Mila Vukadinović
Original scientific paper
Postural and nutritional status of students from urban and suburban environment
Monitoring postural and nutritional status is very useful for sheding light on problems in the process of growth and development of children. The aim of this study was to determine the difference in postural status of younger-aged school children of urban and suburban environment according to their nutrition. Research sample included 497 male and female pupils from Novi Sad (251) and suburban environment (246), aged 11 and 12. Postural status was assessed using the method of somatoscopy and nutrition level with BMI calculator. The relation between the category of nutrition and the incidence of postural disorders was tested using a chi-square test at the significance level of p≤0.05. The results show a statisticaly significant difference in pupils in terms of sagittal spine plane, chest and feet according to their nutritional status. Lordotic bad posture (p=0.008), right lumbar scoliosis (p=0.007), high arch foot (p=0.043) and flat feet (p=0.007) were the most frequent postural disorders in the normal weight pupils. The incidence of kypholordotic posture (p=0.005) and flat-chest (p=0.002) was significantly higher among pupils from suburban environment. The incidence of kypholordotic posture (p=0.012) was significantly higher in over-nourished pupils from the suburban environment. Postural disorders and nutritional abnormalities significantly increase in children of the urban and suburban environment. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate conditions and include them in an organized physical exercise in order to prevent the occurrence of postural disorders and disorders of the nutritional status.
Ksenija Radaković, Branka Protić-Gava, Tijana Šćepanović, Mića Radaković, Maja Batez, Maja Batez, Milan Kojić