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Volume 16, Issue 1, 2024

Online ISSN: 2406-1379

ISSN: 1821-3480

Volume 16 , Issue 1, (2024)

Published: 10.06.2024.

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Professional paper

Comparison of adolescents with different annual quota of Physical Education classes in anthropometric parameters, physical fitness tests, and grades achievements

This study compared different groups yearly based on the different annual quota of Physical Education (PE) classes in anthropometric parameters, physical fitness tests, and grades achievements. The study included adolescents from 14 to 18 years of age, at the Croatian Industrial School in Slavonski Brod. They were 225 participants in the 2015-2016 academic year, 213 in 2016-2017, 200 in 2017-2018, and 318 in 2017-2018. Groups were determined yearly by the different annual quota of PE classes (1 or 2 per week) in the teaching program. Anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, BMI), physical fitness tests (standing long jump, sit-ups, run for 1000 m), grade in the PE class, and the general achievement grade at the end of the school year were conducted. Data collected from the 2015-2016 until the 2018-2019 academic year. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the differences between groups for each school year separately. Results for sit-ups and run for 1000 m test in 2015-2016, BMI in 2018-2019, and the grade of PE class in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic year indicated significant differences between groups (p<0.05). The groups with 2 PE classes per week were made better results compared to the groups with 1 PE class. Therefore, increasing the number of PE classes per week should be necessary for achieving the positive, beneficial, physical, and mental outcomes of Physical Education.

Vedran Džakula, Zvonko Miljković, Leo Pavičić, Brigita Banjac


Professional paper

Psychometric properties of a Serbian version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory X-2

Given that anxiety is a significant individual disposition that affects sports performance, this study aimed to verify the latent variables obtained by the State – Trait Anxiety Inventory X-2, and to compare the obtained factor solutions with the proposed model of latent variables. The second aim refers to the presentation of the results of the questionnaire State – Trait Anxiety Inventory X-2 answered by Serbian male and female handball players. The research was conducted on a sample of 170 respondents, 99 male and 71 female handball players, aged 14 to 39 years (average age = 21.9) with an average handball playing career of 9.39 years. Towards the end of 2019, the respondents filled in the above-mentioned questionnaire used to assess anxiety as a personality trait. Exploratory factor analysis with certain modifications of the algorithm was applied to determine accurately latent space. The overall analysis was performed using the R statistical package. Four factors were selected based on the conducted factor analysis of the latent space of the questionnaire. Ten, five, three and two items are projected on the first, second, third and fourth factor respectively. Since internal reliability of the fourth factor was 0.394 it was excluded from further consideration and interpretation. The achieved scores on four separate factors show that Serbian male and female handball players achieve average results on the first (Presence of Trait anxiety) and the third factor (Absence of proactivity), while they achieve scores above the average on the second factor (Positive affect). In order to examine the sex differences between the examined variables, a one-way analysis of variance was performed. The findings show that there is no statistically significant difference on all three factors between the scores achieved by male and female handball players. A statistically significant difference between handball players of different competitive ranks appeared only on the Positive affect factor between the top athletes and the athletes in the second league (p = .04).

Damjan Jakšić, Jovana Trbojević Jocić, Stefan Maričić, • Bülent Okan Miçooğulları


Professional paper

Anthropometric characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts

In esthetic sports, such as rhythmic gymnastics, body size and body composition can directly affect performance and outcome. The aim of this study was to identify anthropometric characteristics and to notice their impact on the prediction of higher performance in rhythmic gymnastics. For the needs of this review, scientific literature was analyzed from prestigious scientific journals. This systematic review included available data from the following databases: Google Scholar, Springer, PubMed, Europe PMC and research databases. Studies with the following criteria were included: anthropometric characteristics, profile or status and somatic constitution, body composition, somatotypes and morphological models, factors influencing performance and the level of the performance (reliability), and being published in English and Serbian language. Out of total 52 studies, reviewed 9 studies met the inclusion criteria. Based on the findings of the present study it could be concluded that anthropometric characteristics are an important item on the basis of which talent identification, sports selection and programming of training and nutrition plan is performed.

Jelena Lukić


Professional paper

BRAIN CHANGER. Felice Jacka, 321 pages, Macmillan, 2019 (ISBN: 978-1-76055-651-8)

This easy readible and thoroughly scientifically-backed book by australian professor Felica Jacka, explains the recent science on how diet can affect the brain and mental health, with a specific focus on the risk to anxiety and depression. The scientific evidence is drawn from the results with larger cohorts and randomized controlled trials including amongst others: ALSPAC (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, United Kingdom); HELFIMED (Healthy Eating for Life with a Mediterranean Diet, Australia); HUSK (Hordaland Health Study, Norway); PREDIMED (Prevencíon con Dieta Mediterránea, Spain); SMILES (Supporting the Modification of Lifestyles in Lowered Emotional States, Australia). These and other studies show that wherever the geographical area, plant-based Mediterranean-like diets improve the health outcomes of children, adolescents, adults and ageing individuals affected by mental health illnesses, in cost-effective ways. Consecutive chapters illustrate recent understandings of the effects of diets on the immune system, their influence on brain plasticity (which also occurs in older humans), epigenetics, food sensitivities, inflammation, and centrally, the importance of food to the gut microbiota (including the consumption of fermented foods). These effects are explained simply and efficiently in relation to mental health, as well as briefly to psychotic illnesses, autism and ADHD. By doing so, it is possible for every physical-activity researcher or athlete interested in the combination of nutrition, lifestyles and good habits, to get up to date easily, or to make a first aquaintance with the fields of nutrition and brain health. The appendix contains a reference list that restricts itself to the most influential studies like systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Also included is the Modified Mediterranean Diet (ModiMED) food pyramid, and several ModiMEd recipies (used in the SMILES study), as well a weekly meal planner, that all could be of use to get started with an easy intervention study. Although it is intended for the general public, the book is recommended for scholars of any life sciences. With her to-the-point and easy language writing gift, professor Jacka manages to explain the complicated matters of brain health effortlessly. She does this convincingly, but not superficially, relevant and correct, without any simplification. To influence mental health through nutritious, whole foods will be an essential topic to come, also in the fields of sports. In that sense Brain Changer, can be exactly that.

Cécil J.W. Meulenberg


Professional paper

Gotta catch’em all: ready, set, (pokemon) GO!

Bjanka Purda, Draženka Mačak


Professional paper

Preliminary study on pre-treatment physical activity and quality of life in infertility

Viktória Prémusz, Alexandra Makai, Boróka Gács, Ágnes Nagy, Beatrix Perjés, Pongrác Ács, Kinga Lampek, Ákos Várnagy


Professional paper

Optimization of movement activity and the mental state of students by dance aerobics

To test the effectiveness of dance aerobics to optimize the motor activity and the psychophysical state of female students. Medical and biological: body weight (kg), BPM and BPD (mmHg), ChSS in a state of rest and the Stange test. All the data obtained by the study were processed by the procedures of descriptive and comparative statistical methods. From the area of the descriptive statistics the following parameters were defined: representative central and dispersive parameters: arithmetic average; standard deviation; initial and final measuring. Unpaired test, applied in comparative statistics, was performed in order to compare the arithmetic means of two independent data sets (experimental and control groups). Statistical analysis was performed by applying SPSS statistical software. Comparative analysis of data confirmed the effectiveness of dance aerobics tools not only in the absence of negative changes during the examination session, but also improvement of the psychophysical state (state of health by the method of WAM in KG – 3.8 points, EG1 – 4.3 points, EG2 – 4.5 points, ЕG3 – 4.8 points) and the level of somatic health of students (in KG 0.23 ± 0.04 points, ЕG1 8.78 ± 0.50 points, ЕG2 8.77 ± 0.61 points, ЕG3 11, 65 ± 0.55 points). During the studying, and especially the examination time, students experience strong psycho-emotional stress and the physical state becomes worse. The use of dance aerobics has a positive influence on the psychophysical state of female students and the optimization of their physical activity.

Natalia Chuprun, Sergey Zakopaylo, Mykola Shulga, Alexander Gordienko


Professional paper

Small-sided games are more effective than instructional training for improving vertical jump performance and passing in young volleyball players

The aim of our research was to determine the effects of small-sided games on explosive strength in young volleyball players. The authors hypothesized that this program might significantly improve explosive strength in adolescent volleyball players. Thirty-eight adolescent volleyball players participated in this study (12.26±1.01). They were tested for lower body explosive power and passing accuracy. Players were randomly allocated into a small-sided games group (n = 20) and instructional training group (n = 18). Each player participated in a 12-week training program that included 3 organized court training sessions per week. Both groups made significant increases in block jump (p < 0.05) after 12 weeks of training, with significant interaction effect between the groups. There were no significant interaction effects between the groups (p>0.05) for spike jump. In SJ and CMJ results revealed a statistically significant difference between groups pre- to post- training (p < 0.05). Both groups made significant increases in passing accuracy with significant interaction effect between the groups. Small-sided games appears to be an effective way of improving explosive power and passing skills in young volleyball players. The results of this study indicate that game-based training method was more effective for lower body explosive power than traditional instructional programme.

Damir Pekas, Draženka Mačak, Anja Kostić Zobenica


Professional paper

Influence of inertial resistance squat exercise protocol based on novel exercise intensity determination on physical fitness of older adult women

The aim of the study was to examine practical implications and actual effects of the 8-week progressive resistance exercise protocol with the custom-made inertial device on sit-to-stand, 6- MWT, functional reach, up-and-go test results and Rate of Perceived exertion (RPE) among older adult women (age 65-74). Thirty-seven healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to the control group (n = 11) and to two exercise – inertial (n = 12) and traditional (n = 14) – groups. The participants performed hip belt squats on the inertial device and kettlebell squats, respectively. Exercise intensity was relatively adjusted using mass moment of inertia (MMI) of the cylindrical weight and %1RM. Time under tension was equalized between groups by the type of the exercise executed. Tests were performed before and after the intervention. Moreover, RPE was monitored after each exercise set. We used two-way repeated measures ANOVA to assess exercise-related differences in test results and to assess intensityrelated differences in RPE. The Senior Fitness Test results significantly differed in pre and post measurements, regardless of the group. A significant time x group interaction was only found in Sit-to-stand test results. RPE results significantly varied from each other across intensities. Statistically different results among groups were only found at the highest intensity (70%). The results indicate that inertial resistance exercise using the novel exercise intensity determination on the inertial device is a useful and less strenuous alternative to traditional resistance exercise among older adult women while performing squats.

Darjan Spudić, Vedran Hadžić, Janez Vodičar, Jamie Carruthers, Primož Pori


Professional paper

The pedagogical potential of a bilingual specialized dictionary in tertiary education

Even though specialized dictionaries provide abundant information, research findings indicate that their role in the teaching process has been neglected. Within the context of the current global domination of English and an increased need for linguistic standardization, special emphasis is placed on the use of specialized dictionaries in teaching vocabulary. With this in mind, the purpose of this research is to analyze pedagogical potential of a specialized bilingual dictionary in function of ESP vocabulary learning and knowledge transfer. A questionnaire-based research into dictionary use in ESP acquisition is conducted with 705 students and 21 teachers of non-linguistic faculties of the University of Novi Sad. The findings indicate that dictionaries are seldom used in the classroom, even though both groups of respondents have positive attitudes towards them, especially online dictionaries and other user-friendly applications. However, the findings also indicate students’ insufficient knowledge not only of lexicographic conventions but also the criteria for dictionary quality assessment. Building on the hypothesis that well-conceived dictionaries can enhance not only ESP teaching but also knowledge transfer from English to non-English languages, this research suggests the importance of compiling quality terminological products and their inclusion into the teaching process with systematic training in dictionary use.

Mira Milić, Filip Sadri, Tatjana Glušac