Effectiveness of exercise training program on postural control and quality of life in middle-aged men with unilateral lower limb amputation

Masoud Kashfi ,
Masoud Kashfi

University of Azad, Faculty of Sport Sciences Department of Sport Biomechanics, Tehran, Iran

Iman Khakroo Abkenar ,
Iman Khakroo Abkenar

University of Guilan, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Exercise Physiology, Rasht, Iran

Ali Fakourian ,
Ali Fakourian

University of Azad, Faculty of Sport Sciences Department of Sport Biomechanics, Tehran, Iran

Giovanni Lombardi
Giovanni Lombardi

Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Milano, Italy

Published: 15.12.2021.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (2021)

pp. 29-35;



This study aimed to investigate whether the exercise-based amputee rehabilitation program improves postural control and quality of life in people with unilateral transtibial amputation (TTA). Twenty middle-aged men (48.4±3.8 y) with lower limb amputation, in a randomized-controlled longitudinal design, volunteered to participate in the study and were divided into experimental (EXP, n=10) and control (CON, n=10) groups. Before and after 8 weeks of the exercise training program, postural control performance, using one-leg standing (OLS) and Y-balance tests, was measured. The quality of life was also assessed before and after 8 weeks training period using standard questionnaires. Group x time interactions were observed for the EXP group in OLS and Y-balance tests and quality of life scores in comparison to pre- training values and the CON group (p<0.05). People with unilateral TTA who received exercise-based amputee rehabilitation program demonstrated significant improvement in balance performance with significant effects on quality of life.



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