Small-sided games are more effective than instructional training for improving vertical jump performance and passing in young volleyball players

Damir Pekas ,
Damir Pekas

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia

Draženka Mačak ,
Draženka Mačak

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia

Anja Kostić Zobenica
Anja Kostić Zobenica

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia

Published: 24.06.2019.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (2019)

pp. 13-21;


The aim of our research was to determine the effects of small-sided games on explosive strength in young volleyball players. The authors hypothesized that this program might significantly improve explosive strength in adolescent volleyball players. Thirty-eight adolescent volleyball players participated in this study (12.26±1.01). They were tested for lower body explosive power and passing accuracy. Players were randomly allocated into a small-sided games group (n = 20) and instructional training group (n = 18). Each player participated in a 12-week training program that included 3 organized court training sessions per week. Both groups made significant increases in block jump (p < 0.05) after 12 weeks of training, with significant interaction effect between the groups. There were no significant interaction effects between the groups (p>0.05) for spike jump. In SJ and CMJ results revealed a statistically significant difference between groups pre- to post- training (p < 0.05). Both groups made significant increases in passing accuracy with significant interaction effect between the groups. Small-sided games appears to be an effective way of improving explosive power and passing skills in young volleyball players. The results of this study indicate that game-based training method was more effective for lower body explosive power than traditional instructional programme.



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