Skill-based conditioning training in young female volleyball players: impact on power and change of direction speed

Tomislav Krističević ,
Tomislav Krističević

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Goran Sporiš ,
Goran Sporiš

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Nebojša Trajković ,
Nebojša Trajković

Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Nataša Penčić ,
Nataša Penčić

Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Miloš Ignjatović
Miloš Ignjatović

Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Published: 01.12.2016.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (2016)

pp. 20-28;


Skill-based training has been developed in order to combine the skill and conditioning elements
in a coordinated approach. Our aim was to determine the effects of skill based conditioning
training on power and COD speed in youth female volleyball players. Sixteen young female
volleyball athletes (15±2 years) consented to participate in lower-body power and COD speed
testing.Players were involved in six weeks skill-based conditioning training during in-season.
There were no significant differences between pretraining and posttraining for Block jump and
Spike jump. Moreover, there were no significant (p > 0.05) improvements in Standing broad
jump also.However, compared with pretraining, there was a significant improvement in COD
speed tests. Training induced significant (p ≤ 0.05) improvements in 9-3-6-3-9 test (p<0,001) and
Side steps 10x4.5 m (p<0,001).In conclusion, skill-based conditioning training appears to have
stronger effects in improving COD speed compared to lover body power young female
volleyball players. Volleyball coaches could use this information in the process of planning the
in-season training.



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