Nicolette Kanižai
Nicolette Kanižai

Published: 01.06.2013.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)

pp. 9-17;


Hypokinesia is characterized by high expansion and indicates the necessity of physical
activity promotion. The aim of the study was to point out the positive effect of physical activity,
by examining the impact of recreational physical activity on women’s mental and physical health
and quality of life. The study included 87 healthy women, 30 in aerobics group, 30 in yoga group
and 27 in a group of physically inactive women aged 20–26 years. The level of physical activity,
health and psychological status and quality of life in women were measured by anonymous
questionnaire. The results were correlated between the three groups of participants and between
active and inactive women. Recreational physical activity proved to be a good way to improve
overall health and quality of life. Exercise reduces tension, stress, nervousness and irritability,
improves the mood and sleep quality.



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