The preparation of the proposal of National programme for sport in Slovenia for the next decade

Edvard Kolar ,
Edvard Kolar

Science and research center of Koper, University of Primorska , Koper , Slovenia

Marjeta Kovač ,
Marjeta Kovač

Faculty of sport, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Gregor Jurak
Gregor Jurak

Faculty of sport, University of Ljubljana , Ljubljana , Slovenia

Published: 02.12.2010.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010)

pp. 31-41;


The last National programme for sport (2000) has been prepared for the 2000 ñ 2010 strategic period and as such it will run its course at the end of 2010. Methodological starting- point for preparation of the new National programme for sport for 2011 ñ 2020, which could become a fundamental strategic document for progress and development of Slovenian sport in the coming decade, was based on the methodology of strategic management (énidaröiË Krajnc, 1996; Kolar, 2007; PuËko, 2003; 2008). A project team has prepared a proposal for the new National programme for sport for 2011 ñ 2020, which will have to undergo a long path of changes and amendments until it will be passed in the Slovenian Parliament. Responses of all types of public were critical but encouraging.



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