Antonio Borgogni ,
Antonio Borgogni

Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Cassino Italy

Simone Digennaro ,
Simone Digennaro

Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Cassino Italy

Stefania Manzo ,
Stefania Manzo

Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Cassino Italy

Erika Vannini
Erika Vannini

Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Cassino Italy

Published: 02.12.2010.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010)

pp. 43-49;


The concept of sustainability is usually linked with environmental issues. Accepting the idea of the body as an inner environment, it is possible to outline a more sustainable approach to sport didactics that doesnít jeopardise the youth's later willingness for sports. The red thread running through the theoretical references and didactic examples is a way of teaching that privileges communicative to functional/thermo dynamical aspects. The sustainable didactics is the synthesis of several methodological approaches developed in the in the field of Sport for All. 



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