Physical activity of adult women in Greece. Differences between urban and rural residents

Makavelou S. ,
Makavelou S.

Dept of Physical Education and Sport Science , Democritus University of Thrace , Komotini , Greece

Michalopoulou M. ,
Michalopoulou M.

Dept of Physical Education and Sport Science , Democritus University of Thrace , Komotini , Greece

Moraitaki K. ,
Moraitaki K.

Dept of Physical Education and Sport Science , Democritus University of Thrace , Komotini , Greece

Papadimitriou K.
Papadimitriou K.

Dept of Physical Education and Sport Science , Democritus University of Thrace , Komotini , Greece

Published: 01.06.2009.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2009)

pp. 25-27;


The aim of the present study was to determine habitual physical activity differences between adult women residing in an urban area and adult women residing in a rural area in Greece. Additionally differences in physical activity of high intensity, moderate intensity physical activity as well as walking were also assessed. Subjects in this study were 198 adult women (41.2 + 8.3 years), 98 of them resided at the city of Arta and 100 resided in villages in the respective prefecture. Physical activity was recorded with the long version of the self administered International Physical Activity Questionnaire (Craig et al., 2003). The dependent variables that were included in data analysis included the total score of physical activity, the score of high intensity physical activity, moderate intensity physical activity and walking. “Place of residence” was the constant factor used in the analysis of data. According to the results of the ANOVA Multiple Analysis of Variance a significant residence effect was reported for the factor area of residence for total physical activity score (F(1,196) = 6,075, p = .05) in favor of women residing in urban districts. Additionally, according to the results of Multiple Analysis of Variance adult women residing in urban districts were significant more active in physical activity related to work (F(1,196) = 14,908, p = .000) and to recreation (F(1,196) = 7,230, p = .008). Women residing in rural areas scored higher in physical activity related to taking care of others and the house (F(1,196) = 83,667, p = .000). No differences were detected in physical activity related to transportation (F(1,196) = 1,127, p = .290). In conclusion women residing in villages in rural districts of Arta Prefecture were more active when compared to adult women residing in the city of Arta only when taking care of others or the house.


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