Assessment of proprioceptive and kinesthetic memory in shoulder joint using KEMTAI software system

Nenad Nedović Orcid logo ,
Nenad Nedović
Contact Nenad Nedović

College of Health Sciences, Academy of Applied Studies , Belgrade , Serbia

Stevan Jovanović Orcid logo ,
Stevan Jovanović

College of Health Sciences, Academy of Applied Studies Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Danilo Vujčić Orcid logo ,
Danilo Vujčić

College of Health Sciences, Academy of Applied Studies Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Slavica Mutavdžin Krneta Orcid logo
Slavica Mutavdžin Krneta

Institute of Medical Physiology “Richard Burian”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Published: 15.12.2024.

Volume 16, Issue 2 (2024)

pp. 5-10;


Proprioception and kinesthesia refer to the sense of joint position and movement, assessable through joint position sense (JPS). We evaluated the potential of the KEMTAI software system in tracking and quantifying shoulder movement by examining 40 subjects (ages 22-68) divided into three age groups. Subjects, blindfolded, performed shoulder flexion, stopped on voice command and by their own at predefined angles measured by the software. Our findings indicated no significant differences in JPS accuracy across age groups, although precision improved with external cues, and a decline in JPS memory over short intervals was observed, suggesting further exploration is needed.



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