Ivan Vrbik ,
Ivan Vrbik

Industrial school Sisak , Sisak , Croatia

Tomislav Krističević ,
Tomislav Krističević

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Goran Sporiš ,
Goran Sporiš

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Dejan Madić
Dejan Madić

Faculty of Sport and physical education, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Published: 02.12.2015.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (2015)

pp. 30-40;


Demonstration is a widely used method in sports teaching and coaching, as well in Physical
education classes. The most commonly used types of demonstration live demonstration and
video demonstration. However, a direct comparison between these two types of model has
rarely been undertaken in a motor context. Therefore, the aim of this reseasrch is to specify
and compare the effects of the two different metric protocol, former standard and the new
video demonstration, on the estimation of the test results in the primary school.The
participants involved the third and the fourth year students from four elementary schools in
Petrinje and Sisak which territorialy belong to urban area of the Sisak- Moslavic county. The
total number of students on whom this research has taken place was 327, of which 186 were
boys and 141 were girls at the age of 10,5. The students were divided into two subsamples
considering the used treatment,both standard and video demonstration protocol. The sample
of variables in this research consists of four tests for evauating motor abilities: Shuttle run,
Back-save sit and reach for the right and left leg, Push-ups and Curl up. The use of video
demonstration protocol for task performance has shown a significant effect in the tests
Shuttle run and Curl up, while significant effects were not gained in both both flexibility tests
(Back-save sit and reach for the right and left leg) and strength tests (push-ups) due to the
protocol. The results indicated that video demonstration seems more effective than the live
one for the early acquisition of a completely new motor skills.



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