Marian Vanderka ,
Marian Vanderka

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Comenius University in Bratislava , Bratislava , Slovakia

Tomaš Kampmiller
Tomaš Kampmiller

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Comenius University in Bratislava , Bratislava , Slovakia

Published: 01.06.2012.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (2012)

pp. 11-24;


The research deals with cross-section analysis of ontogenetic characteristics of basic
kinematic parameters of the running stride in terms of age and gender from 7 to 18 years of
age. There were monitored: average velocity, stride frequency and length, duration of support
and flying phase, as well as other derived indicators at 10 m with 15 m flying start. Sample
consisted of 1299 male and 1288 female students of elementary and high schools in
Bratislava. Authors determined high age dependency of running speed and stride length on
age. On the other hand, there was high ontogenetic stability of the indicators (stride
frequency, duration of support and flying phase) in the population of 7 to 18 year-old youth. Ontogenetically stable parameters deteriorated partially in prepubescent and at the beginning
of the pubescent period in the age 11 ñ 15. This relates to rapid growth of body height and
weight and deterioration of biomechanical and coordination conditions of an organism. Those
finding lead the authors to the conclusion, that ontogenetically stable indicators comprise so
called dispositional factors in evaluating the rate of talent for running speed.



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