The aim of this study is to determine the differences in certain morphological characteristics and thigh muscle force of bounce leg between football players and goalkeepers. The examined group consisted of 15 goalkeepers and 14 players, aged 15 ñ 18 years, from Vojvodina cadet league. Five parameters were tested by means of isokinetic dynamometer, and 6 morphological factors were measured. The differences between sub samples were gained by multivariable and univariable analysis of variance. Multivariable analysis was used to determine significant difference at the level (p =.00), and we determined statistically significant difference on individual basis in body height and in muscle mass percentage. Almost equal results in thigh muscle force of bounce leg among the subjects and no difference in other variables can be explained by identical training process for players and goalkeepers. The data gathered demonstrate that in the future it will be necessary to implement different training process, specially designed for goalkeepers.
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