Nataša Sturza Milić
Nataša Sturza Milić

Preschool Teacher Training College "Mihailo Palov" , Vršac , Serbia

Published: 01.06.2010.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2010)

pp. 45-51;


The paper deals with the relation between motor giftedness and a sense of coherence (a specific attitude towards the world and resistance to the surrounding stress) which has been tested on a sample of 275 10-year-old boys. Potentialy motor gifted boys have been identified by means of a battery of 11 motor tasks. The sense of coherence has been assessed by means of Margalit scale of child orientation. By using a T-test for small independent samples it has been confirmed that there is a statistically significant difference between the variable of coherence of motor gifted boys and the control group of boys (p = 0.003). The results support the thesis that motor giftedness of pupils should be examined in multiple ways, including other aspects of development. 



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