Effects of varying doses of caffeine intake on physiological responses among university hockey players in Edo State, Nigeria

Agharese Efe-Aigbovo Orcid logo ,
Agharese Efe-Aigbovo

University of Benin, Faculty of Education, Department of Human Kinetics and Sports Science, Benin City, Nigeria

Vincent Imagbovomwan
Vincent Imagbovomwan

University of Benin, Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of Physiology, Benin City, Nigeria

Published: 16.06.2022.

Volume 14, Issue 1 (2022)

pp. 17-24;



The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of varying doses of caffeine intake on the physiological responses among university hockey players in performance. A total of sixty-four (64) hockey players consisting of 32 males and 32 females participated in the study. The hypotheses are that there would be no significant difference in the responses of different doses of caffeine intake on resting systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, vital capacity, and Maximum Oxygen uptake of hockey players in tertiary educational institutions in Edo State. The test instrument used was an adaptation of a 3-Cone shuttle drill fitness testing exercise battery as developed by Koen, Honkemper, and Pietrispens (2001). A quasi-Experimental research design was used for the study. Hockey players in the three experimental groups made up of 16 players (8 males and 8 females) each were subjected to the ingestion of three (3) separate doses of 260mg, 520mg, and 780mg respectively of strong black unsweetened coffee in cups, one hour before testing. The control group of 16 players (8 males and 8 females) was not exposed to the ingestion of coffee but the ingestion of locally prepared “zobo” drink. Descriptive statistics of mean, range, and standard deviation as well as One-Way Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) were respectively used to descriptively analyze the data and test the hypotheses at a 0.05 significant level. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the players’ responses to caffeine intake on the resting systolic blood pressure, resting diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, and Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) among the hockey players. No significant difference was recorded in the responses to caffeine intake on the vital capacity of the hockey players. Specifically, although each of the three various doses (260mg, 520mg, and 780mg) was able to effect significant physiological positive changes, a dose of 260mg was spotted as the best dosage for effective physiological improvements in hockey performance.



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