Vladimir Galiċ ,
Vladimir Galiċ
Vladimir Galiċ ,
Vladimir Galiċ
Vladimir Galiċ
Vladimir Galiċ

Department of Physiology, Medical faculty Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

Published: 01.06.2011.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2011)

pp. 23-29;


Skeletal muscle is extremely adaptable to various stresses which can be placed upon it. In spite of importance of skeletal muscles, little is known about genetic factors which demonstrate high influence to muscle size, function, strength and adaptation to various environmental factors. Because endurance performance is a multifactorial trait, the list of candidate genes which could account for human variation in related phenotypes is extensive. One of the first characterized and most frequently studied genetic variant is a polymorphism in the angiotensin converting enzyme I gene. The ACTN3 gene is the first structural skeletal muscle gene with a relation between its genotype and elite sprinterí performance. Nevertheless, current genetic testing cannot provide an extra advantage over existing testing methods in determining sports selection in young athletes. The main challenge still remains to identify other, complex polygenetic variants and their interactions with environmental factors which could provide benefit in the sports selection and existing talent identification.



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