Gordana Tripunovic
Gordana Tripunovic

Jovan Jovanović - Zmaj, Elementary School , Sremska Kamenica , Serbia

Published: 01.06.2011.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2011)

pp. 59-65;



A basic posture is thought to be inherited, but it can be modified by environmental factors such as illness, age, physical activity, living conditions, physical environment, diet, and many others. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in postural status between trained athletes and untrained children of the same age. The population sample included boys aged 8-10 years from elementary schools in the city of Novi Sad, as well as from sport clubs in the same area. They were assigned to either of the three groups: A) pupils participating in an individual sport (N=50); B) pupils participating in a team sport (N=51), and C) pupils attending physical education (PE) classes only (N=50)(control group). All measurements of postural status were taken using the Napoleon Wolanski method. The analyses showed that the situation in the control group is rather worrisome, where postural status is very poor. The weakest links are the abdominal muscles, but also the head, shoulders, shoulder blades, spine, feet and legs. 



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